Distributions are used by several other layers including the Duplicator and Connect Shape. They provide a way to position points to place Shapes on.
Array - Manually place Shapes using by specifying positions for each id.
Circle - Place Shapes in a radial pattern.
Custom -
Fibonacci - Place Shapes in a Fibonacci spiral pattern.
Grid - Place Shapes in a grid layout.
Intersections - Place Shapes where other shapes intersect with each other.
Linear - Place Shapes along a horizontal or vertical line.
Mask - Distribute shapes a then remove any that fall outside another Shape.
Math - Use mathematical expressions to place Shapes.
Particle - Connect a Particle Shape to distribute Shapes onto.
Path - Place Shapes along a path.
Point - Place Shapes on a single point.
Random - Randomly position Shapes.
Rose - Place Shapes in a rose pattern.
Shape Edges - Place Shapes along another Shape's edges.
Shape Points - Place Shapes on another Shape's points.
Sort - Rearrange the Ids of another Distribution.
Shuffle - Rearranges the Ids of a sub-mesh.
Sub-Mesh - Place Shapes using the positions of Shapes contained within a sub-mesh.
Voxelize - Place Shapes by voxelizing another Shape.