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Shape Points Distribution


Distribute points onto another Shape's points/vertices.


Distribution Shape - Add the path to distribute points along.

Fill All - Distribute a point on every vertex of the Distribution Shape.

Count - Set the number of points.

  1. Create a Text Shape.
  2. Option/Alt + click on the icon in the Fill tab to disable Fill.
  3. Option/Alt + click on the icon in the Stroke tab to enable Stroke.
  4. Set:
    1. String to a.
    2. Font Size to 600.
    3. Alignment to Centre.
    4. Vertical Alignment to Middle.
  5. Create an Ellipse.
  6. Set its Radius to 5,5.
  7. With the Ellipse selected, click the Duplicator button in the Shelf.
  8. Set the Distribution to Shape Points.
  9. Drag the Text Shape from the Scene Window into the Distribution Shape control.