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Sort Distribution


Distribute points by reordering the Ids of another Distribution.

Check out Kyle Daily's tutorial.


Input Distribution - Set or connect a Distribution to affect the Ids of.

Mode - Choose from the following options:

  • Horizontal - Sort the Ids from left to right. For example, Id0 will be set to the point furthest to the left.
  • Vertical - Sort the Ids from bottom to top. For example, the lowest point will be set to Id0.
  • Distance from Centroid - Sort the Ids from the centroid of the Input Distribution. For example, the point nearest the centroid will be set to Id0.
  • Target - Sort the Ids based on the position of another Shape. For example, the point nearest the Target will be set to Id0.

Target - Connect a shape to be used as a Target.

Reverse - Invert the result depending on the Mode.